Region: Cerrado
Altitude: 900-1250masl
Roast Level: Light
Process: natural
Our taste notes: molasses, cocoa powder, peanut brittle
Brazil is the largest coffee-producing country in the world and the Cerrado region is one of the most notable. Cerrado features a variety of biomes, from forests to marshlands to grasslands. Most coffees out of the Cerrado region are processed using natural and pulped-natural methods, which often yield a smooth cup of coffee with strong chocolate and nutty notes and low citric acid.
Region: Sidamo
Micro-region: Yirgacheffe*
Altitude: 1800-2100
Roast Level: Medium
Process: natural
Our taste notes: berries, almond, caramel
*Due to ongoing unrest in Ethiopia and the Red Sea, our Ethiopia in stock may change due to the rise in demand and prices.
Ethiopia is the fourth largest coffee-producing country in the world and is well-known if its high-grown, fruity, and floral beans. Yirgacheffe is a micro-region within the greater Sidamo region and is renowned for its coffee’s fruitiness and complexity. Its higher elevation results in slower growing coffee, which allows for more flavor development.
Region: Chiapas
Altitude: 900-1600masl
Roast Level: medium
Process: washed
Our taste notes: raisin, walnut, cocoa
Region: Chiapas
Altitude: 900-1600masl
Roast Level: dark
Process: washed
Our taste notes: dark chocolate, smoky, walnut, citrus
Region: Chiapas
Altitude: 900 - 1600masl
Roast Level: medium
Process: mountain water process
Our taste notes: nougat and caramel
Chiapas is the southernmost region in Mexico, sharing a border with Guatemala to the west, and the Mexican state of Oaxaca to the east. Mexico is the world’s tenth-largest producer of coffee, with most of its production occurring in the Chiapas and Oaxacan states. The mountainous highlands offer an ideal climate for Coffea Arabica in terms of temperature and humidity. Mostly smallholders cultivate coffee in this region, often descendants of the Indigenous peoples who plant, harvest, and prepare the coffee by hand.
Region: La Frontera
(municipalities of La Labor,
Fraternidad, Doors, Merendon,
Lucerna, and Sinuapa)
Farm: multiple small coop farms
Altitude: 1100-1650masl
Roast Level: Light
Process: honey
Our taste notes: Brown sugar, baking spice, and raspberry
Though it’s not as well known as other producers in the coffee belt, Honduras is the eighth biggest coffee-producing country in the world. Honduras’ diverse geography and geology yields a larger spectrum of flavor profiles--from chocolate, caramel, and nutty to fruity and floral. Coffee grown along the border with Guatemala, La Frontera, is known for its complexity and fruit forward profiles. The rugged mountain terrain also makes transport more difficult, which has prevented commercial and exploitative coffee practices.
Region: Boquete
Farm: Finca La Santa;
family-owned, 225 hectare farm
Altitude: 1100-1400masl
Roast Level: medium
Process: washed
Our taste notes: Pear, lemon, honey, chocolate
Located in the Chiriquí Province, Boquete--sometimes called the “Napa Valley of Coffee”--is one of the oldest and best-known coffee growing regions of Panama. It features a unique microclimate that see high amounts of precipitation, a high elevation, and cooler temperatures through the growing season. The cooling effect is a result of the oceanic breezes from the Atlantic and Pacific which border the country on either side.
Region: Jinotega
Altitude: 1100-1700masl
Roast Level: light
Process: honey
Our taste notes: grapefruit, chocolate, strawberry
The Jintoega region has been producing coffee for over 150 years and produces 80% of Nicaragua’s coffee. Its high elevation and rich volcanic soil provide optimal conditions for coffee growth. Most farms in the Jinotega region are small and owned and operated by families who use traditional farming and processing methods. Nicaraguan coffee is often “shade-grown,” which allows the beans more time to develop nuanced flavor profiles.
Region: Segovia
Altitude: 1100 - 1700masl
Roast Level: dark
Process: washed
Our taste notes: dried fruit and toffee